Zertifikate & Mehr

Certificates & More

In order to deliver high-quality products to your home, we only work with partners who adhere to the highest economic and social standards in production and delivery. Below you can find more information.



The BSCI is the European social monitoring system for ethical sourcing, initiated by the Foreign Trade Association (FTA) based in Brussels. BSCI is a business-driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in the global supply chain. BSCI unites hundreds of companies around a common code of conduct and supports their efforts to build an ethical supply chain by providing them with a step-by-step, development-oriented system that applies to all industries and all sourcing countries.

The BSCI Code of Conduct is based on the main international conventions protecting workers' rights, in particular the ILO Conventions and Recommendations. All BSCI participants commit to implementing the code in their supply chains. BSCI supports companies by providing them with a range of interconnected activities and tools to achieve a socially responsible supply chain.

The 11 principles of the Code of Conduct that BSCI participants commit to implementing in their supply chains are:

  • The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Non-discrimination
  • Fair pay
  • Decent working hours
  • Health and safety at work
  • No Child labor
  • Protection of young workers
  • No precarious employment
  • No debt bondage
  • protection of the environment
  • Ethical business conduct



The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed by leading standard setters to establish globally recognized requirements for organic textiles. From the harvesting of raw materials to environmentally and socially responsible production through to labeling, GOTS-certified textiles offer consumers credible security.



Increasing the transparency and safety of recycled fibers.

The RCS and GRS have three main objectives:

  • Aligning the definitions of “recycled” for different applications.
  • Checking the recycled content in products.
  • Empowering brands and consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.
The GRS has additional goals:
  • Reducing the harmful effects of production on people and the environment.
  • Ensuring that products are processed in a more climate-friendly way.
  • Promote a higher proportion of recycled material in products.

Trace recycled materials from source to warehouse.

  • Checking the recyclates
    • It is checked whether the materials meet the ISO definition of “recycled”. Both pre-consumer and post-consumer material is accepted.
  • Responsible production
    • The GRS locations must meet strict social and ecological requirements. Chemicals with harmful potential may not be used for GRS products.
  • Proof of chain of custody
    • Certification ensures that the identity of the recycled content is maintained from the source material to the final product. Learn more
  • Credible certification
    • A professional, independent certification body checks every stage of the supply chain.
  • Trustful communication
    • Products that meet all requirements can be marked with the RCS or GRS logo.
  • Stakeholder engagement
    • RCS and GRS are managed with the participation of producers, suppliers, brands and retailers from all parts of the world.



The Organic Content Standard (OCS) is an international, voluntary standard that sets out the requirements for third-party certification of certified organic raw materials and the supply chain. The main goal of the OCS is to increase organic agriculture production.

Objectives of the OCS

  • To provide the industry with a tool with which it can check the organic content of the products it purchases.
  • To provide companies with a reliable tool with which they can pass on their information on the organic content to the industry.
  • To provide farmers producing organic fiber with broad access to the global organic market for their products.

The most important points of the OCS

  • Verification of biological content
    • Only material from certified organic farms (according to one of the IFOAM standards) is accepted in the OCS.
  • Proof of origin
    • Certification ensures that the identity of the organic content is maintained: from the farm to the final product.
  • Credible certification
    • A professional third-party certification body checks each stage of the supply chain
  • Confident communication
    • Products that meet all requirements may be marked with the OCS logo.
  • Stakeholder engagement
    • The OCS is managed with the participation of manufacturers, suppliers, brands and retailers from all parts of the world.



The OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 is one of the best-known standards for testing clothing for harmful substances. No chemicals harmful to human health or the environment were used in its production.



The PETA - Approved Vegan means that a company does not test on animals and that the products use 100% vegan and 0% animal materials so as not to harm animals.



Sedex stands for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange and is a global non-profit organization. It helps companies work together to improve social and environmental aspects across their supply chain and enables suppliers to share ethical data with their customers.

Implementing SEDEX means that you comply with the SEDEX criteria.

SEDEX criteria:

  • Legal compliance and management
  • Forced labor
  • Wages and benefits
  • working hours
  • Freedom of association
  • Child labor
  • Discrimination
  • Abuse of labor
  • health and safety
  • Environment
  • Bribery and Corruption / Business Practices
  • CSR activities and community engagement



Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), formerly Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production, is an organization whose stated goal is to promote safe, compliant, humane and ethical production around the world. It certifies factories according to twelve “Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production Principles”.

The goal of the WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) program is to promote safe, compliant, humane and ethical production. It is the world's most widely accepted independent certification for the clothing industry. It certifies factories and ensures that production is based on twelve principles:

  • Compliance with laws and workplace regulations
  • Prohibition of forced labor
  • Prohibition of child labor
  • Prohibition of harassment and abuse
  • Remuneration and social benefits in accordance with legal regulations
  • Legally limited working hours
  • Prohibition of discrimination
  • health and safety
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Environment
  • Compliance with customs regulations
  • Security


    Fair Wear Foundation

    An independent organization that strives to improve working conditions in the garment industry. Joining the Fair Wear Foundation is an expression of the commitment to implementing the Fair Wear working standards.

    The eight standards of Fair Wear:

    • Employment is freely chosen
    • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    • No discrimination in employment
    • No exploitation of child labor
    • Paying a living wage
    • Reasonable working hours
    • Safe and healthy working conditions
    • Legally binding employment relationship


    *Not all of the certifications listed above are valid for all of our products. However, we ensure that all service providers involved have a high level of certification.

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